• akredytacja SCH
  • akredytacja vet
  • FE plakat A3 FE dla Rozwoju Społecznego

Zabrzańskie Centrum Kształcenia Ogólnego i Zawodowego has a long tradition in European projects, especially on those under the KA1 action, which is focused on vocational training.

Taking part in a KA2 action gave us the chance to work with Secondary Schools from abroad, expanded our knowledge and views on education in other European countries. Furthermore, we share the issue of integration, inclusion and multiculturalism with other schools. We implemented foreign internship projects mainly in Spain, but also in Germany and France. The staff also take part in courses, training and job shadowing, unfortunately it is not a large group due to the language barrier. We are eager to join the Strategic Partnership, because it gives us the opportunity to get to know other education systems, especially other cultures and to improve language skills.

The project team consists of teachers actively shaping the face of the school, cooperating on the principle of partnership with students, inspiring each other to create a positive image of the school in a regional environment and fostering self-fulfillment of the entire school community, but also socially in the local environment.

The project team actively participate in the implementation of projects based on the use of EU funds for the needs of the school and its environment. The project team include teachers of vocational subjects and teachers of a professional foreign languages.

 The school prides itself on the implementation of foreign internship projects as part of the KA1 VET Action of the Erasmus+ Programme addressed to students of Technical Secondary School No. 6. The implementation of student apprenticeships is confirmed by certification, validation and recognition in accordance with the principles of the ECVET system, moreover, the projects pursue additional objectives: improving language competences, developing personal competences and social, and include a cultural programme, which allows young people performing tasks related to artistic design to develop their creativity and find inspiration in European art.